Monday, October 24, 2011

Unseen, Unheard

Despite the atrocities of war in Sudan and other African countries, the coverage of these events are drastically downplayed on the world stage. In the decades before the 21st century and up to the present Africa has had the highest death rate due to conflict and the highest number of displaced people. Sudan is an example of unimaginable horror and brutality that is lacking the attention that such events should command. Conflict is running throughout the continent, in Sudan, Uganda, Cote d'Ivoire, and Congo. These problems are mainly internal and exacerbated by political corruption and ethnic and tribal tensions but the root causes of these problems are in the long history of colonial imperialism in Africa by European powers.
They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky and similar literature serves to provide the world with some sort of account of the problems people face everyday in these conflicts. In class, we discussed the validity of certain aspects of the book such as exact quotes and other literary inconsistencies but that shouldn't take away from the social significance that books like this can have on the public.

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