Sunday, October 23, 2011

South Sudan today

After reading They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky I was really curious as to what was being done in Sudan today, and I was sure hoping some things has changed. In the epilogue Judy Bernstein talked about what the International Rescue Committee was doing. So I went to their website hoping to see what was occurring in Sudan. In January of this year South Sudan seceded from Sudan and became its own country. In 2005 a peace agreement was signed and that brought and end to one of Africa's longest wars. I was so glad to read this. Its hard to read about these horrible stories of these young boys walking for years and nearly starving to death, but I'm so glad something is now being done. Since South Sudan has become its own country they are completely rebuilding themselves, and the IRC is trying to help out in the efforts as much as possible. So there is light at the end of this dark dark tunnel!

I also saw that the IRC is helping so many other nations in the world who are going through some of the same struggles.

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