Sunday, October 23, 2011


Throughout almost the entire story, Alepho, Benson, and Benjamin were refugees. Luckily with the assistance of outside, peace-keeping forces they were able to escape their former lives and flee to America. However, even today many people aren't so lucky.

Even though North and South Sudan are now separate, there is still a lot of violence going on. Just like Benson, many Sudanese are fleeing to Ethiopia. Just as the Lost Boys, there are promises of education and a better life, but those seem to be non-existent. Thousands of people had to evacuate their homes in order to just survive but the climate of Ethiopia described to us in the book is fighting against many of these people. Organizations such as the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) are doing their best, but not only do they have the vast quantity of people working against them, but also the 'leaders' controlling the refugees. Although the people in the article below were fortunate enough to be able to move to a safer location, many Sudanese are not so lucky.

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