Tuesday, October 18, 2011


The UNHCR was a group of people that wanted to try and help the many poor refugees such as the "lost boys". These three boys lives began to consist of only trying to survive. They had to move from town to town trying to find a safe place but being disrupted by the war. They faced things such as starvation, disease, and the attack of animals. The UNHCR came to help the group of people Benson was stationed with. People arrived walked around and the women in the group even cried not even being able to believe what was seen before their eyes. Its hard for people like us who are so blessed to have all we do to even began to think what others are going through in other parts of the world while we sit in our nice furnished homes, with clothing, food and anything we want. The following website shows exactly what the UHCR does and how it has helped refugees already and what they are trying to do to continue this process and how we can help as people today.


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