Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kakuma Today

The story of "The Lost Boys" is to me, the most heart wrenching story we've read so far. Imagining these boys just trying to stay alive and being treated so horribly is almost physically painful to read. The section we were assigned for tomorrow has the boys wanting to live in Kakuma. A refugee camp in Kenya. They get tricked into living in Natinkga which is a camp that they eventually find out is for raising soldiers. They so badly want to continue onto Kakuma but are forced to live in Natinkga.
I didn't know what I wanted to write about really in this blog post so I googled different searches like "kenya lost boys" and eventually googled "kakuma". I came upon youtube videos that are very recent images of the Kakuma refugee camp. There were plenty of videos to find on prostitution in Kakuma. It seems prostitution is the most popular form of employment for women during war time in these countries. Here are two links to videos on Kakuma. The first one is an overview and the second one is about prostitution in the camp.

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