The Pygmy in the bar proposed to Phillip the idea that in order for there to be peace mankind must conquer nature even though humanity is part of it. The theory seems paradoxical at first but it contains a great deal of truth. Throughout history one population has sought to have power over or remove another group of people. Whether this is accomplished through mass murder (Rwandan Genocide, Holocaust), or social organization (slavery, share cropping, segregation) the intention is to control others. The desire to conquer parts of nature such as animals and resources is a result of necessity and at times greed. However, subjugating people is a product of searching for differences and separating ourselves from others. When the division becomes vast enough we begin the unfortunate process of dehumanization. At this point empathy, a vital ability that separates us from the rest of nature, is proudly lost. When the Hutus called the Tutsis cockroaches, the militiamen raped and killed women, or when the mayors betrayed their communities they did it with a sense of duty. The fanatic Hutus’ assaults were carried out with same monotony as full-time labor with the thought that Tutsi extermination would create peace. If the Pygmy’s theory is true then endless amity would be unsustainable because there will always be an another power struggle. Do you agree?
This video is an hour long lecture on the morality of murder and the influences.
This video isn't directly related with the Rwandan Genocide but it does deal separation due to ideological differences.
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