Wednesday, November 16, 2011


When we looked at the pictures in class of the prisoners of Abu Ghraib, what disturbed me the most were the pictures in which American soldiers posed with them. Lynnde England giving the thumbs-up sign next to the corpse and the man who had the prisoner's head pulled back like a deer were particularly horrifying because she could have been standing next to a prize-winning pie at the state fair, and he could have been celebrating his first deer hunt. It made me wonder whether they should be believed if they say the things they did were out of control, or even if they feel any remorse for the torture they inflicted on the prisoners.

I found this interesting article about England that was written two years after the Abu Ghraib scandal had been brought to light. After reading it, I still have mixed feelings about her, but I can't decide whether or not she feels true remorse for what she did. Sometimes it seems like she's still trying to play the victim--"I was only in the photos for a split second of time"--but it is also clear that she realizes her life will never be the same. Take a look and decide for yourself.

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