Sunday, December 4, 2011

Reflection: Love & Obstacles

First off, I would have liked to have read a lot more about this story. I understood that it was a short story that I was going to read, but it had a lot of pieces to the puzzle that was missing. When he started out saying, "I contemplated escaping from the compartment: I had a bundle of money and my life to worry about,"(Hemon) I flash-backed to the reading Fattening For Gabon by Uwen Akpan in reference to the children having to practice traveling in tight places for slave trade. It seemed as though he was hiding from his "predators" before learning no one had a hold upon him at the time. The boy seemed to have a sense of longing to be an adult and wanting plenty of interactions with women the way he dreamed of scenarios and desperately held on to the pill he thought would change the circumstances of anything. His curiosity and imagination ran wild getting him into a bit of trouble could have lead to something far worse.
At the end I was disappointed in the ending because I felt it could have provided a lot more details about the freezer he traveled so far to get. I also noticed the author mentioned very briefly about the war which I would have been interested to hear more about and how it impacted his life.

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